Ship With Asserts Enabled

By John Sambrook

By John Sambrook

Code in flames

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In the realm of medical device software engineering, the topic of best practices frequently arises in professional discussions. Assertion checking, a powerful technique for improving code quality and reliability, is often underutilized or misunderstood.

Many engineers are either unfamiliar with assertion checking or fail to leverage it to its full potential in their code. This gap in knowledge or application is particularly concerning in the medical device industry, where software reliability can have life-critical implications.

Moreover, it’s a common industry practice to disable assertion checking in production builds. While this approach may offer marginal performance benefits, it potentially removes a valuable safeguard against unexpected runtime conditions in deployed systems.

This situation underscores the need for greater awareness and education about assertion checking, its benefits, and its appropriate use in both development and production environments, especially in high-stakes fields like medical device software engineering.

First though, let’s understand what it means to use assertion checking in software.

Introduction to Assertion Checking in Software

Assertion checking is a powerful technique in software development that helps ensure program correctness and catch bugs early in the development process. Assertions are statements that express expected conditions or invariants in your code. When an assertion fails, it indicates that the program has entered an unexpected state, helping developers identify and fix issues quickly.

Key benefits of using assertions in code include:

  1. Bug detection: Assertions catch logical errors and invalid assumptions early.

  2. Self-documenting code: They clarify the developer’s intentions and expected behavior.

  3. Improved debugging: When assertions fail, they provide immediate feedback on where and why an error occurred.

  4. Enhanced code quality: Regular use of assertions leads to more robust and reliable software.

Simple Example: Using Assertions in a C Application

Here’s a basic example of how to use assertions in a simple CLI C application:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>

int divide(int a, int b) {
    // Assert that the divisor is not zero
    assert(b != 0 && "Division by zero is not allowed");
    return a / b;

int main() {
    int result = divide(10, 2);
    printf("10 / 2 = %d\n", result);

    // This will trigger an assertion failure
    result = divide(5, 0);
    printf("This line will not be reached\n");

    return 0;

To compile and run this program:

  1. Save the code in a file named assert_example.c

  2. Compile it with: gcc -o assert_example assert_example.c

  3. Run the program: ./assert_example

You’ll see the first division result, followed by an assertion failure when trying to divide by zero.

Assertions are typically enabled during development and testing but can be disabled in release builds for performance reasons. To disable assertions, compile with the NDEBUG macro defined: gcc -DNDEBUG -o assert_example assert_example.c

Remember, while assertions are valuable tools, they should not be used for error handling in production code. Instead, use them to catch programmer errors and invalid assumptions during development and testing. I recommend you leave them enabled in your production code as well, as I explain below.

Assertion Checking: A Critical Safeguard in Medical Device Software

In medical device software, a single bug can mean the difference between life and death. Let’s explore how assertion checking, a simple yet powerful programming technique, can prevent catastrophic failures in devices like surgical robots or infusion pumps.

The Scenario: An Infusion Pump Gone Rogue

Imagine an infusion pump designed to deliver pain medication to a patient. The pump is programmed with a maximum safe dosage rate to prevent overdose. Here’s a simplified version of what the code might look like:

float get_rate_from_user_input() {
    // This function is expected to perform input validation
    // and return only valid rates within the safe range.
    // Implementation details omitted for brevity.

float get_duration_from_user_input() {
    // This function is expected to perform input validation
    // and return only valid durations within the safe range.
    // Implementation details omitted for brevity.

void deliver_medication(float rate, float duration) {
    float total_dose = rate * duration;

// In main control loop
float rate = get_rate_from_user_input();
float duration = get_duration_from_user_input();
deliver_medication(rate, duration);

At first glance, this might seem fine. The input functions are expected to perform their own range checking and return only valid values. But what if there’s a bug in one of these functions? Or what if a hardware glitch causes it to return an abnormally high value despite the checks?

The Potential Disaster

Even with input validation, if a bug or hardware issue causes these functions to return invalid values, the pump might accept them, potentially leading to a massive overdose that could harm or even kill the patient.

The Assertion Solution

Now, let’s see how assertion checking can add an extra layer of safety:

#include <assert.h>

#define MAX_SAFE_RATE 10.0  // ml per hour
#define MAX_SAFE_DURATION 24.0  // hours

float get_rate_from_user_input() {
    // Input validation logic here
    // ...

float get_duration_from_user_input() {
    // Input validation logic here
    // ...

void deliver_medication(float rate, float duration) {
    // Assertions as a safety net, not for input validation
    assert(rate > 0 && rate <= MAX_SAFE_RATE && "Rate must be positive and within safe limits");
    assert(duration > 0 && duration <= MAX_SAFE_DURATION && "Duration must be positive and within safe limits");

    float total_dose = rate * duration;
    assert(total_dose <= MAX_SAFE_RATE * MAX_SAFE_DURATION && "Total dose exceeds safe limits");


// In main control loop
float rate = get_rate_from_user_input();
float duration = get_duration_from_user_input();
deliver_medication(rate, duration);

With these assertions in place:

  1. If, despite input validation, the rate somehow exceeds the maximum safe level, the program will immediately halt before activating the pump.

  2. If the duration is too long, again, the program stops.

  3. Even if both rate and duration are within their individual limits, we check that their combination doesn’t exceed the maximum safe total dose.

The Life-Saving Difference

These assertions serve as an additional line of defense against unexpected conditions. They’re not replacing proper input validation, but rather complementing it. In the event of a software bug, hardware glitch, or any other unforeseen issue that bypasses the normal input checks, these assertions would trigger, causing the program to terminate immediately. The pump would not deliver the excessive dose, and the patient would remain safe.

Moreover, these assertions serve as clear documentation of the system’s safety requirements, making the code self-explanatory and easier to maintain and audit.

Beyond Development: Assertions in Production

It’s common practice to disable assertions in production builds. People seem to have different reasons for doing this.

Turning them off for performance reasons is not sensible. First, you almost never need to include asserts in very tight, performance sensitive code. Second, if your processor(s) are not sized to allow you enough performance margin so that assertion checking is too burdensome, the solution is to get more compute capacity. You’ll need it down the road, anyhow, if the product is a valuable one.

The most common reason that I have encountered for turning them off is that no one wants the software to crash in the field. I understand that, yet turning off the error detectors is not the solution. The solution is to pay the price to build the software as well as possible and then to verify it thoroughly before shipping it.

Assertion Checking Also Catches Hardware Errors

Assertion checking also provides a line of defense against hardware errors. Even when the code is completely correct, hardware errors will often result in assertion failures. This is a good thing, as we never want to be in the position of allowing broken hardware to be used to diagnose or treat patients.

A More Concrete Example

Let’s look at a simple example of how an assertion might be used in a medical device’s SPI driver. Here’s a snippet from a hypothetical SPI bus driver initialization function:

void spi_init(uint8_t device_id) {
    hal_assert(device_id < MAX_SPI_DEVICES);

    // SPI initialization code...
    spi_config_t config;
    config.clock_speed = get_device_clock_speed(device_id);
    config.mode = get_device_mode(device_id);

    hal_assert(config.clock_speed > 0);
    hal_assert(config.mode <= SPI_MODE_3);

    // More initialization...

In this example, hal_assert() is the assertion checking routine from our Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL). It takes a single boolean argument and signals (triggers) an assertion failure and some kind of system halt if the condition is false.

In the example code above, the first assertion checks that the device_id is valid before we attempt to use it. The subsequent assertions verify that we’ve gotten valid configuration data for our SPI device.

These checks catch issues like:

  1. Incorrect device IDs passed from higher-level code
  2. Configuration errors in the device setup
  3. Potential memory corruption affecting our config structures

By keeping these assertions in our production code, we ensure that the SPI initialization fails safely if any unexpected conditions occur, rather than trying to initialize an SPI device with invalid parameters.

In the case of an assertion failure, the system displays debug information and then takes some appropriate action.

Depending on the use of the system, it may be sufficient to crash the system. This often means doing a processor reinitialization and then dumping the debug information to some kind of output device, such as the system console (if it has one) and then spinning in a tight loop.

On other systems, it may be necessary to reinitialize the processor, log the assertion failure information in some way, and then restart. There are systems where this kind of reliability is necessary.

When an assertion failure is detected, there is debug information that should be displayed and/or saved somewhere. This is often the contents of the general registers as they were at the point of the assertion failure, the conditional expression that triggered the assert (because it evaluated false) and some kind of source code identifier that indicates the location of the assert statement in the code. This might be source file and line number, or an ever-increasing integer code that never is reused in the code base.


The bottom line is this. Doing assertion checking well in your medical device software benefits everyone. I suggest considering the following points:

  1. Handling assertion failures

    You’ll need to decide how the system should respond when an assertion failure occurs. That might be via a controlled crash or something more elaborate may be needed.

  2. Ship only thoroughly tested software

    The answer to “We don’t want it to assert in front of a customer” is that you must thoroughly test the software to be shipped. There is no cheat code for avoiding the need to do this.

  3. Train developers to use assertion checking properly

    Developers will need to be trained to use assertion checking properly. Assert statements are not for handling errors that can occur in normal use of the software. They are a means for confirming that software design assumptions are not violated while the software is running.


I am always happy to discuss this topic. If you’d like to dive deeper into assertion checking strategies, error handling in medical device code, or any related topics, feel free to schedule a consultation with me through my website.

It’s a privilege to be able to write software that improves people’s health. Let us do all we can do to be worthy of the the trust that is placed with us.

Tags: journal

About John Sambrook

I love writing embedded software and working with people that want to improve their own practice of software engineering. Through our careful work and how we show up we have a tremendous opportunity to do good in the world.

I hope you enjoy what you find here. Feel free to contact me with any questions or just for a relaxed discussion..

— John Sambrook

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